Wednesday, September 30, 2015

10 Months Past Due

I know it's been over 10 months since Christmas…but I just saw today that somehow the Christmas gift I put together for Jonathan made it on to youtube! I guess it finished uploading one night I was playing around with the computer and I didn't know it was complete. So, I figured, better late than never right?!

Without further ado…Merry (belated) Christmas to the love of my life! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Six Months!

I'm having a hard time believing the twins are already 6 months! We had their check up yesterday and we couldn't be happier with their progress! They are right on track with their milestones and the doctor was thrilled with their growth!

15 lbs. 3 oz.
25 3/4 inches

14 lbs. 10 oz.
26 1/2 inches

Amazing right? I'm so incredibly happy they are doing so well! They've been fighting a nasty cough the last week - so I'm hoping once they get over this cold they will be back to sleeping through the night! It's so hard running on a few hours of sleep every day!

Hanging out at the doctor's office!
Sophia loved looking in the mirror :)

The girls are still eating their solids every day - and today is the first day we started fruit! Whoop whoop! I decided to start them off with my favorite fruit, Bananas! I thought they would love it, but they were just blah! Maybe tomorrow they will get used to it!

Side note - Mommy is lagging in the laundry department so the jammies the twins were in last night were size 12 months! One pair just happened to be jammies Jayden wore 6 months ago! LOL 
Jonathan and I just about died when we put them on Sophia & Savannah and they almost fit!

Practicing Sitting Up!
We're just about there!!

Playing with their big sissy!!

I love when the girls are playing they hold hands <3

Jonathan and I were talking the other day how some days are difficult but one day we will look back and laugh and say "remember the day…"
Until then, we are just embracing the moment and loving on these girls each and every day <3

Happy 6 Months Fia & Samana (as Jayden calls them!)
We love you so very much <3 <3

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Has it been a Month?

Has it really been a month already since my last post? Time just flew by and it's already (almost) fall!! Where is this year going? Even though sometimes the days are hard, they seem to fly by…
So much has happened this past month…for a quick recap:

Shania Twain Concert…that's right! I saw one of my all time favorite singers! It was such a blast and I pretty much sang every single song and danced the entire concert! 

Even though the Angels weren't so hot this summer, we went out for a game night with the fam!

One of our favorite pastimes lately has been going to the splash pad! Jayden loves running through the water and playing in the kiddie pool!

Happy Birthday to one of Jayden's BFF's Harper!
They had so much fun running around Seascapes play place! 

Spring/Summer/Fall Cleaning…
So Jonathan decided he wanted to start DIY projects. 
Project #1 - Garage = Man cave / Work Out Space



It's not completely finished yet, but once we get all his workout equipment, I think it will look really good! It was a good start to our DIY list :)

Project #2 - New Baby Gate
(Ok I know that's not technically a DIY - more like a project for a hunny-do list - but I'm glad we finally got it done!)

Project #3 - Set up 2nd crib and finish the nursery
Ok I know it's another item for a hunny-do list and we're 6 months behind on this…but we will eventually finish the nursery :)

Family Time!!
Family time = my favorite time! 
I can't believe how much I love these girls and this man! 

Women of Faith Conference :)
This year I went to the WOF conference with my sis, my mom & some friends! Such a great weekend with an amazing group of women! 

Hopefully it's not a month before my next post…but sometimes life just gets in the way :)