Saturday, April 26, 2014

Jayden's First Steps

That's right! Friday night Jayden took her first few steps!!!!!!! I'm still in awe that our little 16 pounder is trying to walk! It came out of no where and all the sudden she was taking 2 or 3 steps! Unfortunately we don't have any pictures or videos since she stopped as soon as the phones came out to record :( but I have a feeling she will be walking in the next few weeks! And now my phone is constantly ready for her next baby steps! <3

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I love Easter! It's definitely one of my favorite holidays...and this year it was so much fun celebrating with Jayden.

Last year Jayden was released from CHOC 2 days before Easter, so it was pretty low key and we didn't get an Easter Bunny picture :( ...This year we not only got the best Easter Bunny picture ever, but since the weather was beautiful we spent most of the weekend outside!

Saturday we were off to the mall to meet the bunny! We got there just in time...there were only 2 families in front of us and seconds later there was an enormous line!

Waiting in line to meet the bunny!
BTW I love this yellow sundress! Uncle Parker got it for Jayden's birthday and even though it's a little big, I thought it was perfect for pictures! I still can't believe she kept her cute yellow bow on for longer than 2 minutes!

As we were walking up, Jayden was waving to the soon as I set her on the bunny's lap, she lost it!

Tell me this isn't the BEST Easter Bunny picture EVER! I'm obsessed!

Jayden was in a much better mood at dinner once I let her take off her bow and she was away from the bunny :)

Such a daddy's girl! <3

Sunday morning we were up bright and early...after breakfast, we were off to church with Grandma Pam, Grandpa Scott, Adam & Crystal! It was such a beautiful day - after the service we hung around outside...all the kids were running around and Jayden was pointing and wanted to go play also! 

During the group picture - Jayden must have seen the Easter bunny again because she freaked out! 

Orrrr.....maybe she just wanted to go play in the water LOL

I can't believe she loved being in that ice cold water! I swear she could probably live in water...she's like a fish! So naturally, Jonathan and Grandpa Scott took her in the pool and jacuzzi when we went to the Ericksons :)

Grandpa even took Jayden in the ice-cold pool...he was shivering, but not our little swimmer! She was loving it and waving to everyone!

One of the highlights of the day was that Ella Bella made an appearance so the girls were together!! I'm so, so, so happy Bre & Al came over with my precious niece! I love how much the girls love each other and love playing together! 
We didn't have an Easter egg hunt or color eggs since the girls are too small, but next year we are going all out! It will be so much fun and I'm sure it will be here before we know it! <3

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Oh Maverick

This week we were so lucky to have Maverick staying with us since Pam & Scott were out of town! Oh how we love when our "part-time" doggie is with us! Even though he is a little monster sometimes, he is deeply missed once he's back in Tustin :(

His new favorite place in the house is right next to Jayden's highchair, pretty much because he knows some (if not all) of her food will end up on the floor at one point or he just sits and waits...patiently :)

And I love how the one night Jonathan and I decided to on our "diet", Maverick wanted a bite of my cupcake. He sat and stared at my delicious cupcake for a good 10 minutes. I'm sure he's thinking if he sits and stares long enough, he might actually get a bite! 
He was right...I ended up sharing with him :)

Since Jayden's been quite a fussy babe these days due to her teething, nap time is definitely a luxury at our house! It just so happens whenever Jayden goes down, so does Maverick! 

The house was so quiet with both babies sleeping! 

Now Mavierck is back in Tustin :( 
It was so sad...Jayden was literally looking all over the house for Maverick today. She misses her furry friend! She was up next to the back door pointing to go outside and she was even tossing her food over her high chair for him...unfortunately now I have to clean it up instead of Mav.

Awwww how I love this little girl! And one of my favorite parts of the day is picking out her outfit! cute are those pink boots?! I LOVE them! :)
 I can't believe they have stayed on her feet! Usually she pulls off anything I have on her feet...socks, shoes, sandals! But not the girlie pink cowgirl boots! 

So adorable <3

Hopefully they go with all her summer outfits as these might be my new favorite thing! 
Luckily for Jayden, mommy knows that boots go on the INSIDE of the pants...where as Jonathan once asked if his boots go inside or outside the pants...muahahaha...I seriously wish I didn't answer him seriously and he would have put them on the outside of his pants...that would have been CLASSIC! :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I love being an Auntie!

Obviously my favorite thing in the world is being a wifey and a mommy...but a very close second is being an Auntie to the best nieces and nephews in the world! I am so blessed and love my sisters' babies so, so, so much! Anddd I had the privilege of watching baby Ella the other day! I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous watching Jayden and Ella at the same time, but both girls were perrrrffffeeecctttttt :)

Of course I had to take a few pics with the girls! 

Once Jayden saw herself on the camera she got really excited and started laughing...too cute!! <3
The only babe we were missing was little Brooklyn! Who, by the way, is a cute little blondie these days! Tell me these blonde pigtails aren't the CUTEST?!

Awww how I miss her and those cute boys who stole my heart!!
Yep...that's right...these boys :)

Ahahahah I love those little troublemakers! 

Anyways....back to me babysitting....
When Bre dropped off Ella, I love how she told me she probably wouldn't sleep...little did Bre know that I obviously have the magic touch...
Not only did Ella sleep for me, but she took 2 long naps in 6 hours! :)

Since both girls were napping at the same time, I was pretty bored so I decided to start spring cleaning!
I know it doesn't look clean...but this hall closet is spotless compared to before! 

And I even cleaned out the garage!! Well I should really say "part of" the garage...the other half needs to be cleaned out also - but I decided to leave that for Jonathan :-D

Such a fun way to start the weekend! 
Clean house & cute babies <3
Awww I love my life!