Monday, May 19, 2014

Walking & Talking

So many times in the past year people have told me to enjoy each stage Jayden goes through, and while I have thoroughly enjoyed every day...I have to admit, the learning to walk stage is SO MUCH FUN! Every day Jayden is walking just a little bit further and now, most of the time, it's completely on her own. She will just stand up and walk over to whatever it is she wants to explore or play with and just go on her merry way!

I love watching her cruise around...half the time she looks like a drunken sailor just wobbling all over the place :)

And in the past week or two, Jayden has been talking so much more! She's now able to say Mama, Dada, Hi and I think she's saying "Ease" a.k.a. Please! I'm still working on doggie and birdie since she loves dogs and has a slight obsession with watching the birds outside. If you ask her if she wants to go see the birds, she will look toward the window and point up...What a smartie pants! 

Last week since it was in the triple digits, we were doing anything to stay cool! So Friday afternoon we went to the spectrum and played at the fountain with some friends from MOPS. Jayden LOVED playing in the fountain and all the kids were so cute! Her friend Paul would bring his bucket over by Jayden and put the ball in for her to play with...too cute!

BTW...Paul is 2 weeks older than Jayden and a whole 10 lbs and almost 10 inches bigger than she is! LOL

I was so surprised Jayden kept her hat on! Usually she tears it off in 2 seconds flat! 
She looks awfully sweet in the pink hat of hers.

Getting up to walk with the big kids!

Such a fun way to keep cool during the massive heat wave! 
We will definitely have to go back this summer :)

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