Sunday, October 23, 2016

Big Changes

It's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks and we've been making some big changes in our home to try and stay out of urgent care and the hospital!

After visiting the allergist and pulmonologist, we found out Sophia was allergic to egg whites and cockroaches (pretty sure I might have that allergy as well...yuck!) and she's slightly allergic to chicken and pork. Since our family pretty much lives off chicken, the doctor said he doubts it has anything to do with her asthmatic episodes and after clearing it from her diet for a week, we confirmed it was not something to worry about.

Shortly after her follow up, I started reading up on other things in the home that could cause her to have an asthma attack and I came across research on chemicals in cleaning supplies and beauty products. I've heard about the chemicals in hair dye and make up from my mom for the last few months and I've heard about the chemicals in cleaning products from my friends that are huge advocates for essential oils and all natural cleaning solutions, so I thought it's worth a shot. And so the purging began!

First, I decided to try and embrace a minimalist attitude and start de-cluttering our house one room at a time. This is not an easy task, as I definitely enjoy random trips to Target, Costco and the mall, but it's something I'm working on and I think I'm getting better day by day!

So far, I've cleaned out our kitchen, hall closets, office, kids bedrooms and bathroom and our bedroom is almost finished :) So proud of myself!

Next, goodbye nasty cleaning supplies, lotions & body wash!

Hello all natural products!

Since we've been making all of our big changes, one of my friends gave me some of those essential oils (trust me when I say, I'm a huge skeptic and had no intention of buying any). Then my sister-in-law gave me some as well - so I decided to try using them here and there. And I'm practically obsessed with my new cleaning supplies! It's cheap & easy to make and I don't freak out if the kids try to help clean with me.

Now I don't know if it's my new cleaning supplies, beauty products, essential oils, western medicine we've been prescribed or a whole lot of prayer, but since all of our changes, we've had 2 colds in our home and Sophia has made it through both without any visits to the doctor! SUCCESS! Obviously, we're doing something we're just going to keep at it!

Love these little girlies <3

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