The past 6 weeks have been brutal...I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and had the most intense morning sickness in the world. I was sick from the moment I woke up in the morning to the second I closed my eyes at night...all day, every single day. Nothing helped...I tried ginger, unisom, vitamin B6, zofran, diclegis and just about everything else you could think of. My first OBGYN even prescribed me medication for chemo patients, but I couldn't bring myself to take it since there were no studies on pregnant the side effects were pretty intense. I would eat just because I knew I had to, not because I wanted to...and overall I lost almost 8 lbs!
Luckily, now the light at the end of the tunnel is here! I'm feeling a MILLION times better and I no longer feel like I'm going to throw up every second of the day. Yesterday was the first day I made it through the whole day without getting sick. Even though I was nauseous, I was able to keep down all my meals (huge success!).
Since the past few weeks I've been cooped up inside trying to get through the sickness, now I feel like I can go out and live life again! I'm even considering taking Jayden to Disneyland this week! She's been such a trooper the past 6 weeks. Every time I would get sick she would run after me and rub my back while I was getting sick. She wouldn't leave my side and if someone would try to take her away from the bathroom, she would get upset and point at me like she wanted to stay with me. I'm so in love with that little girl...between her and my amazing hubby, I don't know how I would have gotten through the rough weeks of sickness without them.
I'm truly blessed and so excited for these two blessings to join our cute little family <3