Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A New 'Do' for a New Year

That's right! I now have a favorite hairdo for Jayden -- pigtails! They are TOO cute (when she manages to leave them in!). Most of the time she will pull out the right one and leave the left one in…but when she's distracted and they both stay in, her hair is ADORABLE!

Jayden also has a new favorite pair of sandals (or "chews" as she calls them)! Monnie bought her cute sandals for Christmas and she wants to wear them all of the time! Even when it's bedtime, she won't take them off! 

New shoes & new 'do = most adorable little girl in the world! <3

Update on new words Jayden is saying:

Nemo: Memo
Santa: Anta
Monnie: Mawnie
Grandpa: Papa
Bre: B
Parker: Pawka
Ella: Ewah
Al: Awu
Minnie: Meme
Ana: Nana (from Frozen)
Elsa: Esa
Harper: Pawper
Love you: Ra Rou
Water: Waher
Bath: Bah (she'll say this while trying to run upstairs to the bathtub and trying to take her shirt off)

Jayden also knows almost all her family members. When we show her pictures and ask where people are, she can point to almost everyone! 

Jonathan has also been teaching Jayden animal sounds! It's HILARIOUS! She can mimic the sounds for dogs, cats, birds, lions, bees, horses, sheep, cows, ducks and pigs. She's one smart little babe <3

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