Friday, April 10, 2015

Happy Siblings Day

I heard today is National Siblings Day and since it's the first time Jayden has had siblings on this "holiday", I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate with a shout out to our three girls!

Jayden loves her little sisters!

Jonathan's Girls :)

I never imagined Jonathan and I would have three kids, let alone three girls! The other day when I was looking in the mirror I couldn't believe staring back at me was a mommy of three beautiful baby girls! Since I have two sisters (who are the best sisters in the world and the most amazing aunties to my three little ones), I'm so excited that my girls will grow up with not just one, but two sisters and share so many fun adventures together!

Happy First Siblings Day to my beautiful, sweet daughters! I can't wait to see what life has in store for each of you and I'm so excited daddy and I get to cheer you on every single day through this amazing adventure!

So sweet <3

My little snuggle monkeys!

Jayden's already helping sort, fold and organize the twins clothes!
Such an awesome big sissy! 

PS. Happy Siblings Day to my beautiful sisters and extraordinary brother! I'm so blessed to have the most amazing, loving, thoughtful and supportive siblings in the world! I don't know what I would ever do without you and I am so thankful for you! Thank you for all you do for me, Jonathan and our growing family! We are so lucky to have you in our life and our girls are so incredibly lucky to have such amazing role models in their life as well! We love you! <3

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