Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4 Months & the Happiest Babies On the Block

I've never seen babies as happy and smiley as our twins! I don't even think Jayden was this smiley…and she was one happy baby! But at only four months, Sophia & Savannah smile literally all day every day and we LOVE it!

Today was their 4 month check up and everything looked great!

13 lbs. 6 ounces
24 1/4 inches

12 lbs. 10 ounces
24 3/4 inches

Both girls are officially over 2 feet long and both are happy healthy babes! And while Savannah is still longer by 1/2 an inch, Sophia officially surpassed Savannah in weight! But the doctor was very pleased with their growth and milestones! He was amazed how strong they both are and how they are still breastfeeding 95% of the time. Lately we've been giving them a few ounces of formula once a day as a supplement to help me build up a good supply (since I lost nearly 400 ounces of breast milk when Jayden turned OFF the deep freezer!).

Today is the first day I put them in a 6 month onesie! It was a little big on them, but I like for them to have enough room to wiggle around since they are my little squirmers (especially little Sophia!). They are also doing amazing sleeping through the night ~ this morning they let me sleep in until 6:30! Savannah was up first and I had to wake up Sophia at 7 to feed her…what good sleepers we have! :) They must have known it was their 4 month birthday so they slept in for mama!!

Both Savannah and Sophia are rolling over, smiling, "cooing" and laughing! It's so much fun to see them learn new things!! Savannah is starting to grab for her knees and feet! You can tell she just soaks it all in as she explores everything she can see and touch! Sophia is a little chatter box and talks all the time ~ sometimes even to herself! I think she's going to be a social butterfly! They both love when people talk to them and they have the most beautiful smiles…Sophia even has little dimples!! I don't know where she got them, but they are awfully cute!

Sophia doing tummy time & loving it!

Meanwhile Savannah enjoying her cuddle sesh with mom! :)

The girls are also starting to reach for their toys…so we definitely have to keep an eye on them since everything is ending up in their mouths and they are both rolling over from their tummy to their backs!

Sisters & BFFs!

We are also starting to work on sitting up ~ it's definitely a few weeks away, but with how strong they are getting, I wouldn't be surprised if it's around their 5 month birthday! 

Happy 4 months Sophia & Savannah! Mommy & Daddy are so incredibly proud of you and we love you so very, very much!! <3

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