Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sweet Summertime

This summer has been so much fun! I can't believe summer is quickly coming to an end and fall is right around the corner! We've had such an awesome (& super hot) summer! I can't believe all we have done the last few weeks! 

Off to the circus!

Playing at the lake...

…and chasing the duckies!

Learning to ride a bike with the best daddy!

Lazy days just hanging out :)

Concerts in the park with family & friends!

Mommy & Daddy date nights

I never get tired of this view!!

& lastly ~ we are officially owners of a new 2015 Sienna mini van! LOL

I've always said I would never drive a van…but honestly, it's one of the best decisions we've made this year! It has totally made our lives easier AND there is a ton of room in the car! 

Plus Jayden loves the van! She always wants to go play in "mommy's van" ~ she loves pushing the button to close the doors and she loves watching Beauty & the Beast on the DVD player! Definitely a bonus when we are driving far ~ the Disney movies are a good distraction!

Awww & look at that storage space! It's a mom's dream :)

We've already taken our new "mini" on a road trip and it was amazing. Packing the car was a breeze and we had room to spare! 

All in all - this summer has been so much fun! We've had crazy days for sure, but nothing beats a sweet summer's day with our three beautiful girlies! <3

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