Friday, March 13, 2015

35 weeks and in the home stretch!

I can't believe I'm 35 weeks today! I'm so proud of myself for making it this far and staying on the sofa (almost) all day every day!

I had my 35 week check up yesterday and all went well. I'm still on medication to help mask the contractions, but since I can only take the medication every 6 hours, I think it starts to wear off after 4 or 5 hours since I can start feeling the contractions around that time. I can take the medication around the clock and my doc said to set my alarm in the middle of the night, but trust me when I say no alarm is needed here…my contractions kick in usually about an hour to an hour and a half before the 6 hour mark.

During my NST I only had 4 contractions, but the babies are still doing awesome and measuring big HUGE…at the rate they are growing, they might come out the same size as Jayden! Even though I have 18 more days until my scheduled c-section, my doc doesn't think I'll make it that long…he said most likely I'll deliver within the next week to week and a half! Crazy to think these girls could be here in a matter of days! My blood pressure was also a little high today (154/95), so the doc sent me for blood work after my appt to make sure my mild preeclampsia isn't going beyond "mild". He is so on-top of everything and wants to make sure I have a happy, healthy pregnancy all the way through :)

Both babies are still breech and haven't rotated at all the past few weeks. The doc said that's normal because they are running out of "womb" :) Even though they can't rotate, that doesn't keep them from moving and grooving inside my belly. This morning I did their kick counts in less than a minute each! Pretty impressive if you ask me…these will be some active babes for sure!

The last few nights have been pretty rough…since the babies are getting so big, I've had a tough time eating and keeping my food down at night. I get realllllly bad indigestion and heart burn and it makes me super nauseous :( Jonathan's been such a good sport bringing me water and holding my hair when I get sick. Trust me when I say, being almost 9 months pregnant with twins and getting sick is not fun! I'm already uncomfortable and have a hard enough time just sitting or laying down, but getting sick takes it to another level! Luckily these girls will be in our arms instead of in my big belly before we know it!

Oh and I officially can't see my feet unless I lean over :) 

How far along: 35 Weeks!!!!!

Total weight gain: Back down to 28 pounds…since I've been getting sick I lost weight in the past few weeks.

Stretch marks: Still none! This baby oil gel I've been using has been working wonders…hopefully it stays that way until D-Day!

Sleep: Still hit or miss…with the contractions acting up in the middle of the night, sometimes they will keep me up for a while before I can take my medication to calm them down.  

Best moment this week: This may sound ridiculous, but sneaking out of the house to get In-N-Out for lunch a few days ago … I'm such a rebel :) shhhhhhhh…don't tell my doc :) Oh and the other night after I finished getting ready for bed I saw a spider on the ground and let out a small scream…Jonathan jumped out of bed because he thought my water broke. I think he was slightly disappointed when he had to deal with the spider instead of pack up to leave for the hospital! I wish I had that moment on video…it was classic! 

Miss anything: Spending time with Jayden and my freedom…oh and my wardrobe :) I can't WAIT to wear regular clothes again! 

Movement: The girls aren't rotating as much as they were a few weeks ago, but their kicks & jabs are pretty darn strong and super uncomfortable when they are pounding on my bladder! I keep thinking their kicks might be strong enough to break my water!

Food cravings: I had a huge craving for In-N-Out yesterday, but for the most part I don't have too many cravings…still just a regular EXTRA hot cup of coffee, ahi tuna & Veuve Cliquot...I have 5 bottles waiting for me in the fridge!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Dinner makes me sick every night ~ I'm going to try and eat earlier around 4:30 or 5 so hopefully by the time I go to bed my indigestion and heart burn won't be so intense. 

Belly button in or out: Outtie!!

Wedding rings on or off: Off but since I'm not swollen I could put my rings back on.

Happy or moody: I'm feeling pretty happy that I've made it this far and the babies could literally be here anytime! 18 days MAX! Whoop whoop!!

Looking forward to: Holding, kissing and loving on our sweet babies! I still can't believe Jonathan and I will be parents of 3 little girls!!! Our life is going to forever change the moment they arrive <3 

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